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Learning Analytics

The measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for understanding and optimizing learning. structures learning analysis through the Learning Funnel.

A funnel. Use and experience are the top, followed by attainment and application, then business outcocomes, and ginally ROI.

Learning Environment

The physical or virtual setting in which learning takes place, including classrooms, online platforms, and informal spaces.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Software designed to deliver and track learning experiences for your audience. May have a wide range of other capabilities including skill assessment, content authoring, curation, and integration with other business systems.

Learning Objectives

Specific goals that define what learners are expected to achieve as a result of instruction. Must be observable and measurable. The heart of every experience.

Learning Theory

Conceptual frameworks describing how knowledge is absorbed, processed, and retained during learning.

Lifelong Learning

The ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for personal or professional reasons. AKA the most hireable trait in the universe.