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Competency-Based Education (CBE)

An approach to teaching and learning where students advance based on their ability to demonstrate mastery of a skill or competency.


A learning theory suggesting learners construct knowledge through experiences and reflections. Constructivism is the driving theory behind's Tune, Play, Rehearse, Perform method.


Educational software designed for use in teaching and learning.


Digital Literacy

The ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information.

Distance Education

The education of students who may not always be physically present at a school, typically delivered online.



Learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet. You're doing it right now!

Educational Technology (EdTech)

The use of technology in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning. EdTech sucks when it's not tied to a business outcome, but rocks when it is.

Experiential Learning

Learning through reflection on doing, which is more effective than traditional lecture-based methods. This is reflected in every phase of's Tune, Play, Rehearse, Perform method.


Flipped Classroom

An instructional strategy where students review content outside of class and engage in hands-on activities during class. By default, all workshops are designed this way.

Formative Assessment

Informal and ongoing assessments used by teachers to check students' understanding and guide instruction. You'll find these in's Rehearse and Play phases.

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